Okay, so I can only say I am sorry for being so slow to get another blog up. Wow....it's been six weeks. But I did want to say Happy New Year to you! The thing I love most about new years, is that it gives us both a chance to reflect on time past and get excited about the possibilities of the time to come! We each have probably created our list of new years resolutions...partly out of habit and partly out of expectation (even if you don't really want to). I think it's always a good idea because it at least gives you something to aim for, no matter what the list entails. I wish you all the best on reaching your goals for 2008. I will be sure to let you know as I reach successes in my life! :)
On to the celebration of my niece's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday Alia! It was so fun for me to capture a few shots at her birthday .....watching all her delight that the day was ALL about her. I think she reveled in every moment of it.
Little boots on Alia's little sister's (Ella) feet. No significance to them, I just like the color.

Anthony, Alia's little cousin....he's 11 months old.

A look of surprise....
How cute is this cake?! My older sister (Alia's mom) made this cake. She had such a cute idea to make snowmen out of donut holes and create scarves out of foot long gum. Darling! Here is a view from the top.

Tea time anyone?!

Alia being silly and shy at the same time. She is going through a faze where she doesn't really want to smile for the camera. I am lucky if I even get a silly face. :)
I just thought this was so sweet. It's Grandpa's hand wrapped in love from Ella (the littlest one of the bunch).

Alia was so focused on this card, you would almost think she could read at just 2 years old. I always knew we would have a genius in the family!

A rolling pin to add to her collection of kitchen stuff. This girl has a full on kitchen...no joke! What a lucky girl.

Waiting patiently for the best part of the day...her cake!!

She almost has it.
Ah...success! Happy Birthday Alia!