Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Leise and Bryan's Engagement Session 2/18/08

Ok...so I did this session on Monday February 18th, two days after being struck with the yuck that has been going around. I came down with an upper respiratory tract infection. Even though I could barely talk (because I lost most of my voice) and was coughing up a lung...we went out and did the shoot. In part because Bryan (and his brave spirit) is going back to Iraq until just about a month before their wedding in July. He actually called me from Iraq to book their wedding. I had to ask why he was calling me all the way from Iraq...and he answered simply "It's one of my jobs for the wedding!" What a faithful guy to still do his part clear on the other side of the world.
It was my first time meeting Leise and Bryan. I felt horrible, because I was sick and not myself. But I am happy to say, I think I was still able to turn on some sort of creative juices and capture some fun shots of the two of them. Not to mention that they did such a great job loving each other and having fun in front of the camera. We took all the pictures in Cashmere, WA. First going down to the river side...dragging Leise's beautiful shoes through the left over snow (she was a trooper). Then we went on to a little area by some railroad tracks that had great backgrounds. There are about five different ones right in a row...giving great variety without having to drive all over the place. And lastly, we ended up at a park, and shot a couple pictures of them on the swings. Very important for everyone to find the kid in themselves! :)

Enjoy the pictures...and I'm sorry, because I know I get a little carried away with how many pictures I put up.

These next two shots were very spontaneous. There was a train going by at one point during the shoot and Leise and Bryan were just standing off to the side waiting for the train to pass. I randomly asked them to stand by the train going by to see if I might catch a fun shot...and it worked!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Go Red For Women!!

The American Heart Association has gone red for the month of February! What does this mean?
Well, it turns out that Heart Disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. Ladies we've got to take care of our hearts ...so this month, please wear red to bring awareness of this fact!!!
Go to http://www.americanheart.org/ to find out more information.

I was invited to join a group of volunteers last week to start bringing this awareness to the locals here in San Diego. I started out the evening by joining two of the staff of the American Heart Associate here in San Diego....Emily and Rebecca. They handed out signs, pins and stickers to the businesses down town. Way to go ladies!

Also in honor of the kick off for American Heart Month both the San Diego County Building and U.S. Grant Hotel helped by lighting up their buildings in red!! Check out the pictures below.

So....wear red this month and ALWAYS love your heart!!!

Rebecca and Emily handing out "Go Red For Women" signs, pins, and stickers downtown San Diego.

The San Diego County Building lighting up in red to honor women and their hearts!

Some of the volunteers and staff holding their signs to bring awareness to American Heart Month in front of the County Building. How great are those red dress signs?!

My good friend Alison and I showing off our red dresses to promote awareness.

A couple pictures to show off the US Grant Hotel bringing awareness in down town San Diego.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Last year in July of 2007, my best friend Joy and her husband Hans, adopted a beautiful girl from Thailand. I traveled the world with Joy in 2001, making stops in the Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand. During our travels Joy and I were struck by the horrible and frightening abuse that children experienced, and they have no voice to change it. Joy has always had a heart for children, but after having her own child (a sweet little boy, River) in 2003, her burden for children grew. She wanted to give them a voice, love, and a home. However, Joy was slowly but surely realizing that she couldn't save them all....but she and her family could make a difference with one.
They made the bold and beautiful decision to adopt from Thailand and expand their family from 3 to 4. And now they are complete.

I have been so inspired by their story and others who have given childen without a home...a place to call home! I wanted to give my talents and time to those who are giving their time and love to children around the world, so I have joined a group of wonderful photographers to give the gift of great portraits of newly adopted children.

Here is a little snipit from the Celebrating Adoption website:

"Celebrating Adoption is an organization of photographers dedicated to promoting adoption. Our participating photographers are very different: some shoot with natural light while others use studio light; some prefer posing the subject while others prefer the spontaneity of lifestyle photography; but we all have one thing in common, the desire to celebrate your adoption with you!"

My first opportunity to photograph a little boy who was adopted from San Diego came this last week. His name is Bryce and is a beautiful, fun loving little boy.

A little about his story...
"Bryce was like a gift from heaven from the start. We were chosen to be his parents only 6 days after being approved to adopt...and have felt lucky ever since. Bryce joined our family from the San Diego county foster system at 2 months old. And we finalized the adoption when he was almost two. He is the light of our world, so happy and loving!"
Eris Wilson

I hope you enjoy these photos...and be watching out for photos of Joy's family in the very near future! And to those of you who are adopting or thinking about adopting, please give me a call to schedule a session with me. I would love to capture your new family member! :)