Monday, February 4, 2008

Go Red For Women!!

The American Heart Association has gone red for the month of February! What does this mean?
Well, it turns out that Heart Disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. Ladies we've got to take care of our hearts this month, please wear red to bring awareness of this fact!!!
Go to to find out more information.

I was invited to join a group of volunteers last week to start bringing this awareness to the locals here in San Diego. I started out the evening by joining two of the staff of the American Heart Associate here in San Diego....Emily and Rebecca. They handed out signs, pins and stickers to the businesses down town. Way to go ladies!

Also in honor of the kick off for American Heart Month both the San Diego County Building and U.S. Grant Hotel helped by lighting up their buildings in red!! Check out the pictures below.

So....wear red this month and ALWAYS love your heart!!!

Rebecca and Emily handing out "Go Red For Women" signs, pins, and stickers downtown San Diego.

The San Diego County Building lighting up in red to honor women and their hearts!

Some of the volunteers and staff holding their signs to bring awareness to American Heart Month in front of the County Building. How great are those red dress signs?!

My good friend Alison and I showing off our red dresses to promote awareness.

A couple pictures to show off the US Grant Hotel bringing awareness in down town San Diego.

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