Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Anthony and the Beach

I want to apologize yet again for being so slow to get things up on my blog. I actually have a bit of an excuse this time, but it's not a fun one. No...my dog did not eat my homework! But my computer did crash on me. Yes....a photographers nightmare. I had to take a few deep breaths and be a problem solver. So here I am working on someone else computer while mine is getting fixed.

Enough about that...it's on to the photos. I wanted to get these up weeks ago, but better late than never. This is my sweet nephew Anthony and it was his first time at the beach and he LOVED IT!!! My younger sister Katya, my mother, and Anthony came to visit me at the very end of March and we of course had to go to the beach. Anthony had never seen sand or the great spanning ocean before. We couldn't stop him from running to the ocean as you can see from the photos below. Enjoy!!!

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