Monday, April 20, 2009


I have very sad news to share with everyone who has been following my blog and to those who are new to visit. My blog was hacked into and given a virus and now no longer exists. I have lost all of my posts from the past 9 months or so. Needless to say I was pretty saddened by this, but also realize that it's not the end of the world. When life pushes you down, I say you gotta get right back up and push back! So I am going to be starting a new blog, but for now I will be posting here on my old blog, which still exists. Thank you to everyone who has been following my blog and welcome to you all who are visiting for the first time. It means the world to me that you enjoy looking through my photos. I truly love what I do! I will try and stay on top of this one and get up some of the new engagement sessions I have done last week as well as maybe a couple of my most recent weddings.

I wish you a happy and wonderful day! And cheers to keeping your head held high no matter what life throws your way. :)


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